Before you start, it's important that you read and understand these terms of use.

Using the Course:

When you use our online course, you agree to follow these rules:

Be respectful to others: This means no bullying, insulting, or being mean to others who are taking the course.

Use the course for learning: The course is meant for you to learn and improve your skills. Please don't use it for anything else.

Don't share your account: Your account is just for you. Don't share it with anyone else.

Follow the instructions: The course has specific instructions to follow. Please follow them carefully to get the most out of the course.

Don't cheat: The course is designed to help you learn, so cheating won't help you in the long run.

Course Content:

The course content is for educational purposes only and is protected by copyright. This means you can't copy, share, or distribute any of the course content without permission.

Changes to the Course:

We may change or update the course at any time, including these terms of use. We'll try to let you know about any changes that may affect you.

If you break any of these rules, we may suspend or terminate your access to the course.

We hope you enjoy the course and learn a lot! If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.